unfortunately, the only remnants of imagery that I have of this precious gem are the two photos you see below. spofford juvenile detention center, based in hunts point, the bronx, was a large facility that housed as many as 300 kids at a time, with a whopping 95% being of African American and latino descent. the site was officially closed in 2011 due to its infamous treatment of the children and the poor service it provided to the community. as I'm writing this in 2022, the building no longer stands and has been demolished. all the photos I took in 2017 of this place were victim of poor storage decisions, and it's a true shame I will never be able to go back. scrappers frequented this facility, looking to make a quick buck off the precious metals they were able to harvest from the inside. a lot of the scrappers were extremely nice, to the point where I would frequent this spot alone to take photos. 

The pool area, littered with heroine needles and other miscellaneous items.

The basketball court, spray painted into oblivion. notable artists have tagged this spot, such as "klops."

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