It was a cold winter day. I remember traversing New Jersey looking for places to go, and I stumbled upon this gem right here. My friend had informed me that there was a specific way to gain access to this Daycare Center, which was through the basement, but with no strong flashlight in hand and no mask to protect my lungs from the rank smell of mildew and mold, I knew there was no shot of me gaining entry through these means.
As I scouted the entire place out, I noticed an open window on the second floor of the building. Beneath it, a metal cage protecting some sort of machinery I cannot recall the name of. I knew if I wanted to get into this building to explore it, I would have to climb it, with no cover from the street. As awesome as it sounded in my head, I knew this would be dangerous. There was always the risk that an unknown passerby would think I'm up to no good and would call law enforcement. It took a little bit of self-convincing, but eventually I mustered up the courage to go ahead and send it. I climbed the gate and rolled my way in through the window, and I had made it inside.
The shit I saw looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. Infant and child play-things scattered across the floor, broken glass, dirt and ceiling material lifeless on the ground. Paint was chipping off the walls beautifully, and the exorbitant amount of windows on the second floor made this building an explorer's dream come true when it came to taking photos. I explored for about an hour and a half before I decided it was time to leave. I jumped out the window from which I had entered from and climbed down the cage, leaping onto the snow that awaited below.

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